Below are answers to FAQs related to seeking licensure as an Licensed Clinical Social Worker in New York. TrackYourHours applies to NYSED rules to your hours as you log them and alerts you whenever there is a potential issue. TrackYourHours also assists you with completing the state required forms that document your supervised experience.
How many hours of experience do I need to complete for LCSW licensure in New York?
You must complete a minimum of 2,000 client contact hours. All client contact hours in diagnosis, psychotherapy and assessment-based treatment planning may be counted toward licensure, if appropriately supervised. You may not claim hours of experience that do not involve direct client contact.
What are the supervision requirements?
The supervision must consist of 100 or more hours of in-person individual or group clinical supervision distributed over the period of the supervised experience.
Who is qualified to supervise my hours of experience?
A psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker who is satisfactory to the department, may supervisor experience hours for licensure.
Are there any minimum or maximum time limits on my hours of experience?
Experience hours must be over the course of three calendar years (minimum), but not to exceed six calendar years (maximum).
What forms must be submitted to seek licensure?
When submitting your application for licensure you must submit documentation of your supervised experience on the following forms:
- Clinical supervision verification
- Form 4 – Applicant Experience Record
- Form 4B – Certification of Experience for Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Learn More about how TrackYourHours can assist you in tracking your hours for licensure as an LCSW in New York.