The updates to TrackYourHours were successfully implemented this morning and the site is back online. Below is a summary of the improvements.
- We added additional language to the alerts in order to provide you with specific details about what each alert means. When you receive an alert you will now see a sentence in italics that indicates whether hours have been subtracted from your valid total or you need to manually review the week in question to determine how many hours will not count. This additional information should help you monitor your progress as you navigate the complex licensure regulations.
- We upgraded the underlying infrastructure in order to improve the application’s response time and prepare the site to build out more comprehensive services going forward (mobile access is in development!).
- We launched TrackYourHours View, our new institutional reporting functionality that will allow schools and clinical sites to track the progress of their students. This functionality will allow the schools and sites to provide better advisement to their students.