When entering personal psychotherapy hours into TYH you can choose to enter each session individually or enter the hours in blocks (multiple sessions on a single day). Entering each session individually takes some time but it is the safest approach. If you choose to enter the hours in blocks they will be counted correctly in your category totals as long as you follow these two tips…
Tip 1: Ensure that you enter the hours under the appropriate status
When you enter your personal psychotherapy hours in blocks you need to ensure that you enter the hours on a date when you were in the status you were in at the time you earned the hours (pre- versus post-degree). For example, let’s assume that your graduation date is September 1, 2012. All of your pre-degree personal psychotherapy hours need to be logged prior to September 1, 2012 and all of your post degree hours need to be logged after September 1, 2012. Why is it important to enter personal psychotherapy hours under the correct pre- versus post-degree status? These hours count toward the pre-degree category which has a maximum of 1,300 hours. In order for your pre-degree total to be calculated accurately you must enter the pre-degree personal psychotherapy hours on a date that is prior to your graduation date.
Tip 2: Monitor the 6-year rule
When you enter your personal psychotherapy hours on the exact day they were earned the TYH software will automatically monitor the 6-year rule and alert you if any of your hours cannot be claimed (personal psychotherapy hours more than 6 years old at the time you submit your application may not be claimed and there are no exceptions). If you choose to enter the hours in blocks there is no way for the software determine if your hours are more than 6 years old so you need to monitor the age of these hours and if there are any that cannot be claimed you should delete them.