June 4, 2013 Update to ASW Version of TYH
Recently we updated the LCSW version of TrackYourHours to remove supervision hours from the recorded and valid totals that you see on your dashboard and at the top of your reports and forms page. We have now also removed the supervision hours from the daily and weekly totals in the calendar and category views. Below is additional information about these updates.
What changed?
The reports (weekly logs and experience verification forms) produced by TrackYourHours are accurate and have not changed. The updates removed supervision hours from your recorded and valid totals that are displayed on the dashboard and at the top of your reports & forms page. Prior to the update your recorded total was the sum of all hours entered into TYH. The update aligns your recorded and valid totals with the categories that contribute to the 3,200 hour licensure requirement by only including the hours of experience you can claim. In addition, we removed the supervision hours from the daily and weekly totals you see in your category and calendar view. Given that only the experience hours are claimable, removing the supervision hours from your totals makes it much easier for you to track your progress.
Did the hours on my reports change?
No. The update did not have any impact on the way your forms are generated. The hours on your weekly logs and experience verification forms are identical pre- and post-update. Your supervision hours are still reported under section 10 and your experience hours are reported under section 12. The only changes are the removal of supervision hours from the recorded and total values on your dashboard page and the removal of supervision hours from your daily and weekly totals in calendar and category view.
Why did you remove supervision hours from the totals on the dashboard?
Including the supervision hours in the recorded and valid totals made it more difficult for you to get a snapshot of how many hours you have actually completed. When your hours are reported on the experience verification form the supervision hours are not included in the section that contributes to the 3,200 hour requirement. By removing supervision hours from the total on your dashboard it is now much easier for you to see how close you are to meeting this requirement. Although you are required to log supervision hours in order to claim your experience hours, the supervision hours do not count directly toward your 3,200 hours.
Why did you remove supervision hours from the daily and weekly total?
We want TrackYourHours to provide you with a very clear view of the hours you can claim. Given that the supervision hours do not count toward your claimable hours we removed them from the weekly totals so you can clearly see how many hours you are actually earning each week toward the 3,200 hour requirement. You will receive an alert if you log more than 40 experience hours in a week. Going forward you need to continue to log your supervision hours; they just won’t contribute to the daily or weekly totals.
Did I lose any hours as a result of this update?
No. Your hours are exactly the same pre- and post-update. Your forms are exactly the same pre- and post-update.
On the experience verification form, which hours are counted toward the 3,200 hour requirement?
Section 12 on the experience verification form calculates the 3,200 hour requirement (the section is pasted below). The calculation is clinical psychosocial diagnosis, assessment, and treatment hours (including individual and group therapy hours) plus client-centerd advocacy, consultation, evaluation and research hours. The formula (pasted below) is simply A+B=C. The supervision hours are reported in a different section on the report.

Where are supervision hours reported on the experience verification form?
Section 10 on the experience verification form is where you report your supervision hours.